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General Insurance

Property Insurance

Property Insurance or Property Insurance is a type of protection service against financial losses due to unexpected events such as explosions, riots, plane accidents, smoke, lightning, floods, storms, water damage, vehicle collisions and fires on property such as homes, buildings, offices, apartments, machines, content and stock.

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Motor Vehicle Insurance is a type of service that provides protection for motor vehicles. Incidents that include an accident, being destroyed by another person, being stolen or being struck by lightning or fire. Damage to vehicles due to crossing by ferry and accidents due to tire problems.

Marine Cargo Insurance

Marine Cargo Insurance is a type of protection service against loss or defects that occurs during transit and shipping by sea, air or land.

Liability Insurance

Liability Insurance is insurance that provides protection to third parties against material property damage and bodily injury caused by an event related to business activities or activities. This insurance guarantees legal responsibility for losses suffered by third parties.

Engineering Insurance

Engineering Insurance is a type of service that provides protection to owners of production machines, utilities, electronic equipment as well as owners and contractors for construction and installation projects. This type of service generally provides CAR (Construction All Risks) and EAR (Erection All Risks) Insurance coverage. Both of them provide compensation for events that occur unexpectedly and suddenly.

Earthquake Insurance

Earthquake Insurance is a type of service that guarantees losses for damage to property or interests that are accounted for and directly caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and explosions that occur due to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as well as tsunami waves. Property that can be insured includes furniture, machinery, equipment, stock supplies and residential buildings, shop offices, factories, etc.

Business Interruption Insurance

Business Interruption Insurance, or commonly known as Business Income Insurance, is a type of service that guarantees loss of business income, additional work costs, closure of access roads, public facilities, and unspecified suppliers. The loss of income can be due to a disaster-related closure of business facilities or due to the post-disaster development process.

Personal Accident Insurance

Personal Accident Insurance is a type of service that provides protection against the risk of accidents that occur at home, office or while traveling. These accidents can be in the form of death, permanent disability or bodily injury.

Machinery Breakdown Insurance

Machinery Breakdown Insurance adalah jenis layanan yang menjamin kerugian atas kerusakan mesin dan gangguan yang timbul dari kerusakan objek pertanggungan. Jaminan yang diberikan berlangsung pada saat mesin sedang berjalan, istirahat, dibersihkan, dibongkar, maupun diindahkan.

Trade Credit Insurance

Trade Credit Insurance is a type of service that guarantees losses to sellers for bad credit or defaults on commercial accounts receivabl

Marine Hull Insurance

Marine Hull Insurance or Ship Frame Insurance is a type of service that provides protection against damage and loss of part of the ship’s frame or hull (hull & ship engine).

Miscellaneous Insurance

Miscellaneous Insurance is a type of service that guarantees things other than those mentioned above or something in particular. This type of insurance includes money insurance, theft insurance, movable property insurance and other things. Please contact our marketing team for more information.

Other Insurance

Other insurance that has not been mentioned above, such as business travel and others.

Life And Health Insurance

Health Insurance

Health Insurance is a type of protection product that specifically covers the health and care costs of insurance members if a participant falls ill or has an accident.

Life Insurance

Life Insurance is a protection product in which the insurance company will pay a nominal amount of money if there is a risk of death to the policyholder.

Covid-19 Insurance

Corona Insurance is a protection product against the Covid-19 virus pandemic in which the insurance company will pay up to 25 million Rupiah in the event of a COVID-19 virus infection on the policyholder.

Pension Fund

Pension Fund management would have 2 scheme available:

  1. PPIP (Financial Institution Pension Fund) is a pension fund established by an insurance company to organize a Defined Contribution Pension Program for every individual, employee or independent worker.
  2. PPUKP (Pension Program for Severance Compensation) is a program designed to meet the needs of companies in meeting future employee welfare.

Konsultasi dan Wellness Program


We provide a variety of data and analysis of claims and your insurance track record. Data is an important instrument in this era. With good data, you may determine the decisions better supported by a high accuracy data.

Example of an analyzed data:

  1. Claim percentage
  2. Most used health facilitate/provider.
  3. Claim age
  4. Claim trend.
  5. And many more!

Health Article

We realize that maintain health is an important task. Good health will produce healthy and productive employees. We provide many articles to suit your needs.

With article which modeled from the needs of company, it may motivate everyone to maintain good health.

Wellnes Program

The Wellness Program is TIBI’s strategic activity and is our specialty in actualizing the solution to your problem. The TIBI Wellness Team will accompany you in formulating superior programs based on company needs.

Many events can be held together with the Wellness Program

  1. Health seminar and talkshow with experts.
  2. Competitions and contests for employees to raise self awareness among employees.
  3. And many interesting activities more!


Webinars are online seminars that can be attended by everyone from various places. Only with cellphone / laptop and internet signal, various interesting and knowledgeable information will be explained in by expert in their fields.


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